Thursday, May 29, 2008

Absolute Boyfriend and One Lonely Summer Day

Ok half of this post is from yesterday but i didnt have time to finish it so here it is:
So i just read almost the entire Absolute Boyfriend series today (and finished. whoa in one day, im proud) and its really got my mind focused on Ty. I haven't heard from him all day and it's only 6 PM so he might be online later but i just seem to want to see him. Come to think of it i'm not used to not seeing him everyday and i told you about the time he was sick and i didn't see him at school for a few days, i was all depressed and such. (today, May/Mai 30) It's still early in the morning (i have to get up because i have swim practice at 7AM) and i doubt he's even up. But i got a text from Hun-kun (EMOTIONALLY SCARRED!) last night mentioning that our pool was opened. [Note: Our neighborhood has its own private community pool and my mom is the president of the board of the community so i think it was kinda stupid that he said that because my mom is the one incharge of the pool and opening dates and such] I couldn't answer him because i had already fallen asleep but maybe if he sends another i'll tell him that i am going today with my friend, Neko-chan (i know a lot of nekos O_o), which i am, so maybe he might tell Ty, doubt it but you never know. So ya just gonna hang out for now and wait for everyone else to get up... i hate having to get up early.


Cleo said...

Hey Hikari,
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that Ty will come to that pool with his friend ^^ Then, perhaps, you could finally ask him about meeting, couldn't you?
I would do so, if I was you!!
In my holidays I'm often getting up early because I can't sleep longtime!! -.- which sometimes really is annoying, but somehow good at the same time :D
well, hope to hear from you soon... ;D

Hydrangea said...

well, I'm one of those person who may wake up but stay in bed till midday ^^ (but only when I feel like it, it depends -.-)

After all, I aggree with cleo-ko. You may also ask him whether he's got a new phone.
random question: Is his cell phone or his phone at home broken? And what about ths military thing?


Hikari said...

Regular summer schedule: Wake up @ noon. Go through day. Go to practice at 5 PM. Play WoW, talk with Ty, draw. go to bed between Midnight-4 AM.

This summer's schedule: wake up at 6 AM. Go to swim practice till 9. Run arrends, go to swimming pool (by the way i still couldn't go to the pool today, the wind was too strong), read manga. Eat dinner at 8 PM. Go to bed at 11-12 PM. Don't or barely talk to Ty.

So ya, let me note i hate my new schedule. I'm nocturnal i don't wanna do this but my team matters so i have to commit, i guess this all comes at a cost tho. I know he hasn't gotten a new phone and doesn't really have any plans to and nothing about the military thing yet.
Sorry there's nothing new,

Cleo said...
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Cleo said...

Hey ho,
heard your computer makes some trouble... Hope you'll manage that problem and maybe then you'll be able to read more from you... miss your comments!!^-^

little cleo